
Saturday, January 17, 2004

No Pussyfooting Panther Chant Serves to Intimidate Opponent

Who needs hooligans when ya got...Jimy Jamz?

The people of Carolina have spoken. Time for a new Panthers fight song.
Well, wait no more. Charlotte's own Jimy Jamz has created what might be the ultimate fighting song. And it does not pussyfoot. It thumps. Big time.
And the local media are soon to have a copy of it in their hands.

Demand that they share it. Jimy assures me it is for use...copywrite-free.

Yes, I've heard some of the other attempts, and all I can say is...no...we want to win, not be laughed at.

Jimy's Panther Chant sounds like a panther on the prowl. It gives you paws...I mean pause. It makes you sit up and listen.

Keep your ears peeled. Pretty soon they are gonna be peeled back.

You're gonna like it. I guarantee it.

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